Parish Activities


Adult Education classes are usually held on Saturday evenings after Vespers, but check our calendar for the latest.  We typically study a book from the Bible but topics vary.  It’s usually taught by Fr. Deacon Justin Jackson.

Sunday School for toddlers through teenagers is usually held during Matins at 9am on Sunday mornings in the church basement.

Catechism – Inquires classes:  These are usually held by Fr. Joshua during the week at irregular intervals depending on the schedule of the current batch of students.  See the calendar for the next class, but talk to Fr Joshua to get on his catechism email list for the latest.

Hillsdale:  We have weekly Vespers services and other parish activities in Hillsdale because so many of our parishioners and students live there.  See the Hillsdale tab for more.


Project Mexico Mission Trip

We send a team down to St. Innocent Orphanage near Tijuana, Mexico every summer to build a home for families in need.  We partner with Project Mexico and St Innocent Orphanage to organize the annual trip.  Here’s the photo stream from our 2023 trip.   And also from June 2024.




OCF – Orthodox Christian Fellowship

We have a regular influx of college students at our parish, primarily from nearby Hillsdale College.  The Hillsdale College OCF hosts weekly (at least) prayers, book studies, church car-pools, etc.  Our clergy or some of our parishioners who are Hillsdale College staff/faculty often given talks, lead book groups, etc.  The faculty advisor is Dr Brent Cline () and the student contact is Anna Jackson ().

Family Camp

Our parish spends a week at a camp each summer, but we try to include everyone, not just the kids.





Our parishioners gather for lunch together every Sunday after Liturgy, with families rotating to take care of meal preparation.  We also has a lively fellowship with various gatherings during the week – anything from beer brewing and bonfires to firewood stacking and regular morning coffee.