Holy Ascension Cemetery

July 2024.

We are clearing ground for our own cemetery so that we can bury our loved ones traditionally and naturally, without all the expensive and unnecessary requirements of municipality-owned cemeteries.

Although we are still finalizing the details and the layout, we have already laid to rest a parishioner here, who recently died of breast cancer. Without any involvement from a funeral home, or any artificial means (embalming, vaults, etc), our internal burial guild took care of all the body and grave preparation as well as the all-wood coffin construction.

We intend to continue to provide green burial for our parishioners, as well as any Orthodox Christian who wishes to be buried here.  The cemetery will also include a section for stillbirths, miscarriages, etc.   We envision it as a place of beauty – it will have trails, pathways, stone walls, a lychgate, benches, and gardens across the property as we continue to develop it.

We will soon have more documentation here for reserving your gravesite.  Meanwhile the cemetery guild can be contacted at .

Payments for plots and burial expenses can be made here.

Blessing of the new cemetery by Archbishop Daniel.